ResearchPoint Ideas

Identify Constituent in Error Message from Sync With RE

The error messages received after syncing a Research List with RE do not identify the constituent. It would save much time if it did.

  • Guest
  • Jul 27 2023
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  • Sara Heiberger commented
    July 25, 2024 14:31

    The two values generated in the report are 1) the query quID, which is not something we on the front end can use to search or determine what record was being synced, and 2) the "RE ID" which in ResearchPoint is referring to the System Record ID in Raiser's Edge, not the Lookup ID/Constituent ID. The Lookup ID/Constituent ID is searchable in RP and RE, but the System Record ID is not. So the error list does not generate any information that can be searched by a user.