ResearchPoint Ideas

Default Research List View

We deal with different research lists at our organization. I have several that I work with throughout any given week.Some are created temporarily, some are permanent research lists. A feature that would be helpful for me would be if there was a way to "personalize" or set a permanent default research list view in ResearchPoint, so I could 'carry my view with me' as I work or need to create new lists. Or if this default view could be a drop-down that I switch to when I create a new list, that would be great as well. This would be in contrast to needing to set the columns up for each new research list I create. I really enjoy being able to export my list data directly from ResearchPoint into Excel and further tweak it as necessary. And it stinks sometimes when I clean and tweak the data in Excel, only to realize I've left out a column or two in the new research list that I thought I had!

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  • Jan 12 2016
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