ResearchPoint Ideas

Have Affluence ratings sync back into Raiser's Edge

It would be a good idea to have the new Affluence scores sync back into the RE Prospect Ratings.

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  • Feb 8 2017
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  • Anthony Pisano commented
    July 05, 2018 17:22

    Affluence Scores (along with all Model Score Attributes) is added to RE Integration in our Q3 2018 release.

  • Graham Getty commented
    April 19, 2017 13:31

    The New Affluence ratings should have same functionality as WealthPoint screenings - click to run, sync, update. These ratings are far more relevant and actionable - especially for folks that do not show up via traditional wealth measures (real estate, FEC, stock) but do have substantial annual income. The ability to purchase and have this data sync seamlessly would validate purchasing a higher level of a subscription worthwhile. I love the Affluence Ratings (with the exception of the label of "The Masses" as one of the categories), but will not recommend purchasing them until they have the same functionality as WealthPoint ratings.