ResearchPoint Ideas

Add Actions/Notes into the Prospect Research Report

We frequently use actions and notes to record our interactions with donors.  It would be helpful when providing a research report to a gift officer to have these notes readily available on the research report.  I'm hoping this can be added to the available sections list.

  • Guest
  • Aug 15 2017
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    August 15, 2017 17:41

    I'm wondering whether the actions and notes that are entered in RE7 and/or NXT can be seen in RP's Prospect Research Report?  There is an area where we can customize this report, but the actions and notes that are in RE7 cannot be included in this summary.  Any suggestions you have for how to handle this would be appreciated! 

  • Anthony Pisano commented
    August 15, 2017 17:16

    We currently include notes entered into the Research Summary on the Prospect Research Report. Can you tell me where the notes and actions are entered in RP where you're requesting we pull from? Thanks!